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We're on our way to better, better's ahead! - Tayport Distillery We're on our way to better, better's ahead! - Tayport Distillery

We're on our way to better, better's ahead!

A lot has happened over the past year - here is our theme song this week, watch now!

The last year has seen the country shape-shift time and time again with new catchphrases to mark each new transition. Just as the country has shape-shifted, so have businesses with hospitality, events, and many other sectors being hit the hardest. It has not been easy and Tayport Distillery were uplifted while reading and writing your lovely messages to family and friends throughout the pandemic in our gift boxes. 

While writing this blog, mental health has been a hugely important topic and focus for everyone. In this blog we decided to take a moment and reflect back on what has happened over the last year. Here are some of the key things we have taken away and learnt while adapting to this new way of living:

  • Walk the dog more, it is good for you and the dog. 
  • The little achievements count just as much as the big ones
  • Family time has never been so important
  • 15 mins in the fresh air or exercise, really is good for the soul….who would have thought?!
  • Connect with people not things.
  • Sourdough is harder than it looks. 

We encourage you to do the same - write out six things you are proud of! We like to stay positive rather than focus on the negatives. And so, the COVID-19 pandemic has seen Tayport Distillery through some of its best achievements to date with the CO-OP placement, the new arrivals of our Scots Pine Gin, Wild Rose Gin and Malted Barley Vodka. Three brilliant awards, most notably our Golden Folk Award for our 1992 Raspberry Liqueur.  I know we say it a lot, but we mean it when we say we couldn’t have done it with you! We are so thankful to everyone that has supported us throughout this crisis. We absolutely love being able to produce Scottish spirits as a family-run distillery, and that wouldn’t be possible without the support of our customers. 

As we look to the future, we are determined and ambitious to continue making more achievements. There is another big year ahead of us and this year we ask you to support local. It has been a long, cold winter (starting to sound like I’m from Game of Thrones!), and a tough one too! However, you will have all seen the meme about when you buy from a local producer they do a little dance. Well, that will be us and many other local producers! So we have listed some local producers in Fife, Dundee and Angus who you can buy a range of great gifts from including ourselves! 

  • Woodmill Game
  • Barnett's Bakery
  • Lost Orchards Cider
  • Artisana Brownies
  • 71 Brewing 
  • St Andrews Farmhouse Cheese
  • Balgove Larder
  • Minicks Butchers
  • Haar
  • The Newport Bakery and Restaurant
  • Blackhorn
  • Jannettas Gelateria
  • Blooming Wild
  • Pittormie
  • Luigis Pizzeria

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